You Took the Leap, Trusted Your Gut - Now What?
Have you ever made a decision so bold it felt like you were stepping off a cliff?
That was me.
I left behind my international career - a career I had trained for, invested years into, and meticulously built - to pursue a path in spirituality. I believed that by aligning with my True Self, I would effortlessly step into something bigger and better.
But the landing wasn’t as soft as I had hoped.
I was eager for a sign - something that would clearly affirm, “Yes, you’re on the right path.”
Instead, life seemed to present one challenge after another:
Financial uncertainty that kept me awake at night.
Constantly moving, never finding a place to call home.
Two bouts of COVID, landing me in the emergency room.
Friends slipping away, unable to understand my new direction.
In those moments, it felt like I had made a colossal mistake.
And I found myself slipping into familiar patterns:
Playing the victim - blaming Spirit for leading me astray.
Longing for the past - yearning for the comfort of what was familiar.
Drowning in disillusionment - questioning whether I had made the right choice.
But here’s what I discovered:
Spirit isn’t concerned with quick wins. It’s focused on something much deeper—guiding your soul’s evolution, shaping who you’re becoming, and teaching you the lessons you’re meant to learn.
Before I could fully embrace my true calling, I needed to build the capacity to handle it. There are no shortcuts - this journey must be lived firsthand. Just as you no longer fear fire once you’ve walked through it, I had to learn to navigate paradoxes, endure uncertainty, and trust in the face of fear.
Only by transcending my own darkness could I truly guide others through theirs. Initially, I thought these challenges meant I was off course. In reality, they were the exact experiences I needed to grow and realize my highest potential.
To navigate this messy middle, I learned to:
Stop Comparing. It’s easy to think others have it all figured out, but we rarely know their full story. Their journey is theirs, and that’s okay.
Let Go of Entitlement. I felt I deserved something for taking the leap, but Spirit operates on a relational, not transactional, basis.
Celebrate Wins. I used to focus solely on the end goal, missing the significance of small steps forward. Now, I honor every bit of progress.
If this resonates with you, here are a few practical steps:
Reflect on Your Path: What unexpected lessons have you learned? How have these challenges shaped you?
Document Your Progress: Keep a journal of your victories and insights. Celebrating these moments can boost your motivation and perspective.
Connect with Others: It’s easy to feel impatient when we feel like we’re journeying alone. Join communities where you can share experiences and gain encouragement.
Your journey might not unfold as you expected, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t unfolding perfectly.
Trust the process, honor your growth, and keep moving forward.
Take a moment today: What can you celebrate about your journey so far?
Hit reply and let me know.
Listening In The Liminal Space
It’s easy to celebrate a gold medal winner.
But what about the messy middle?
The part of the journey we rarely talk about?
When Simone Biles stepped away from the Tokyo Olympics, she faced intense backlash. The world labeled her weak, selfish, and a quitter.
The pressure she faced was enormous:
• Expectations from coaches and teammates.
• The threat of losing sponsorships and financial stability.
• Years of sacrifice—training, strict diets—during a global pandemic.
Here’s the truth:
Making aligned decisions isn’t glamorous.
It often means being misunderstood, judged, and vilified. True courage lies in listening to your inner voice, finding stillness to discern what’s right, and staying true to your path.
After Tokyo, Simone did the crucial, unseen work:
• She sought therapy.
• Confronted her trauma.
• Contemplated leaving the sport she loved.
• Explored new interests beyond gymnastics.
• Found love, got married, and discovered new dimensions of herself.
For many of us, this might look like:
• Facing uncertainty after quitting a job with no backup plan.
• Prioritizing mental health when everyone expects you to push through.
• Leaving a toxic relationship and dealing with tough questions from loved ones.
These moments aren’t glamorous.
They’re messy and full of doubt. But it’s in these liminal spaces that true transformation occurs - when we shed the false self and connect with our true nature. As the masks fall away, our authentic self emerges, free from the need for external approval.
I won't lie, this process can be challenging.
It means confronting uncomfortable truths and letting go of who we thought we should be. Yet, through this surrender, we uncover our real strength.
That’s the real gold.
If you want to attune to your True Self, the part of you that is wise and enduring.
Here are a few tips:
1/ Listen for the voice of your soul:
It is always loving, neutral, and never condemning.
2/ Feel the truth in your body:
Even if a truth is difficult to hear, the truth feels good and is deeply resonant in your body.
3/ Follow the path of expansion:
Trust decisions that make your heart feel expansive, rather than contractive.
I'd love to hear from you:
What is the "messy middle" you’re navigating right now?
How are you learning to listen more closely to your inner voice?
Rethinking Our Dominant Currency
Every city has its own currency.
And no, I’m not talking about money.
I’m talking about what its citizens and leaders prioritize and strive for -
The values that shape the culture and behavior of its people. This core currency influences what is celebrated, pursued, and replicated by its citizens.
Here are some examples:
• Dubai: Luxury
• Tokyo: Precision
• Zurich: Discretion
• Shanghai: Growth
• Los Angeles: Fame
• New York City: Money
• Washington, D.C.: Power
But what if we could choose differently?
What if the dominant currency wasn't money, fame, or power, but something more profound?
Here are some ideas:
1/ Love
What if we measured success by how often we opened our hearts to others?
2/ Courage
What if we honored those who embrace vulnerability and authenticity?
3/ Resilience
What if we celebrated the ability to rise again and again, no matter the setbacks?
4/ Alignment
What if we recognized those who consistently live by their deepest values and purpose?
**Currency is not fixed; it is a choice.**
Society's dominant traits are shaped by its citizens.
When we consciously choose and nurture different currencies, we create communities that celebrate love, courage, resilience, and alignment over conventional metrics.
Dare to choose differently.
I’d love to hear from you:
What do you want your city’s true currency to be?
Are We Settling for a Shallow Version of Love?
Love is everywhere in our daily lives - in our relationships, family, and routines. It’s woven into our very existence.
But could our overfamiliarity prevent us from experiencing its deeper, transformative power?
What if we’re missing out on love’s truest potential?
Here’s what I mean:
Lately, I’ve noticed myself using phrases like “Love ya,” “lots of love,” and “LOVE this.” While these expressions offer comfort, I wonder if their overuse has dulled our appreciation for love’s depth and profoundness.
When we confine love to familiar symbols - such as greeting cards, engagement rings, or boxes of chocolate - we risk mistaking these token gestures for love’s true essence.
Constant exposure to superficial expressions of love can make us see it as trivial, rather than recognizing its true, transformative power.
Instead of relying on love to heal deep wounds or bridge divides, we default to more “practical” solutions. This isn’t because love lacks power; it’s because we haven’t fully explored its deeper potential.
What if it were different? What if we were willing to explore?
What if we let ourselves be immersed in its pure, unrestricted, and unconditional power?
To truly unlock Love, we must first be willing to be transformed by it.
The question isn’t “What can love do?” but rather,
“Am I ready to experience love in its purest and most profound form?”
For many of us, the answer is “yes.” We just don’t know where to start.
If you’re ready to explore, here are a few ideas:
1/ Embrace Vulnerability:
Invite Spirit into the tender parts of your life. As Leonard Cohen beautifully shared, “The cracks are how the light comes in.”
2/ Heal Past Wounds:
Be open to healing past hurts where love was misrepresented.
3/ Challenge Limiting Beliefs:
Examine outdated beliefs and be willing to release any skepticism about love.
When we open ourselves to rediscover love's potential, we invite love to transform us in ways we never could have imagined.
I’d love to hear from you.
How have you been transformed by deeper experiences of love?
Where are you willing to explore love’s deeper dimensions in your life?
Considering Psychedelics?
Let’s talk Psychedelics.
So you’re considering psilocybin, ayahuasca, or another medicine journey?
Here are three things to consider:
1/ Access through Intention
I’m not against using psychedelics.
But ask yourself, why do I need something external to connect with Source?
The truth is you don’t need substances, rituals, or a shaman to shift your consciousness. True expansion comes from your intention. Psychedelic experiences can be exciting and make for great stories.
But you don’t need to puke your guts to connect with Source.
2/ Integration is Essential
Psychedelic effects are short-lived.
Without proper integration, you’re just chasing a temporary high. Reflect on why you want this shift.
Are you:
• Seeking a new perspective?
• Trying something different?
• Addressing a deeper issue?
Psychedelics can be powerful, but if you don’t address the root cause, you’ll end up constantly seeking the next high.
3/ Lasting Change is Within
Psychedelics can offer valuable insights.
But true transformation happens when you embody these changes.
Think of the entrepreneur who loses everything. They suffer material loss, but their skills, knowledge, and resilience remain. These inner strengths can never be taken away. They form the foundation for rising again.
To support deeper transformation, I've structured my practice around a holistic approach:
1/ Akashic Records:
Transcendent experiences that connect you with Source.
2/ Teaching:
To build the skills you need to enhance this connection yourself.
3/ Coaching:
To help integrate insights into your daily life and sustain lasting change.
If you’re interested in this approach, DM me, and let’s chat.
5 Ways To Navigate the US Election
With just 99 days until the US election,
Many of us are seeking a path that is both whole and heart-centered.
Here are five ways for how to navigate with purpose and meaning:
1/ Align with the Bigger Picture
Life unfolds in cycles, and each season brings its unique lessons.
Despite the ups and downs, remember that the broader journey is always oriented toward Light. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
View this election season through the lens of this larger arc.
Recognize that every phase - order, disorder, and reorder - is part of a greater pattern. Even the coldest winters eventually turn to spring.
Approach this time with patience and curiosity: “What is this here to teach me?” and “What are we here to learn collectively?” Embracing these lessons helps us navigate each phase with greater ease and insight.
2/ Release Cynicism
There are no inevitabilities, and no one has all the answers.
Be mindful of those who claim otherwise. Pay attention to your media consumption and its impact on your heart.
Cynicism restricts our ability to see the full picture and limits our perspective.
Believing in inevitabilities blocks new possibilities. Instead, create space by asking, “What wants to unfold?” This openness invites divine inspiration and helps guide us toward our highest potential.
3/ Act Responsively
The Universe is constantly speaking; stay open to its guidance.
When you receive a nudge, act on it.
In conflicts or heated debates, it’s natural to react quickly to end the discomfort. However, reacting impulsively can lead to unintended consequences. Instead, approach your fears with compassion. Take a moment to understand them and then move forward with intention.
Balancing fear with courage allows us to move forward purposefully.
4/ Lead with Vision
Fear is a contracted state that narrows our perspective.
Be mindful of those who use fear as a motivator, as this often breeds more fear.
Remember: People seek vision and inspiration.
Focus on what you stand for, rather than what you oppose. Share your vision with enthusiasm and aim to uplift and unify.
5/ Attune to and Amplify Love
Love is present even in the darkest times and most challenging situations.
Our task is to attune to this love and let it expand. Remember, dissonance dissolves in a coherent field.
Love is a powerful force that can dispel darkness. To harness this power, live with love, live from love, live as love.
Move beyond tribalism and the us-versus-them mentality. Instead of trying to win arguments with contempt, focus on finding and amplifying the love that exists in every situation.
I’d love to hear from you
Which ideas resonate? What would you add?
Let me know.
The Dark Side of Competition
Yesterday, I visited my old high school track,
As soon as I stepped on, the adrenaline kicked in.
25 years later, the competitor in me is as strong as ever.
I love the thrill of competition.
It can be such a strong motivator, driving us towards excellence.
But it also has a darker side:
A means of self-validation, where we use others to feel better about ourselves.
Let me explain.
The first time I flew Business Class, I felt a haughty satisfaction. But it wasn’t from the comfy seats or the champagne. It was the sense of being "better than" those in Economy. I realized I was comparing myself to others to feel good about myself.
We all have our versions of this:
1/ Debates:
We aim to win, not to engage in meaningful discussion, but to feel smarter.
2/ Social Media:
We share highlights, not to celebrate joy, but to feel cooler.
3/ Material Possessions:
We buy luxury, not for personal enjoyment, but to feel wealthier.
We compete with others to validate ourselves.
Focusing on external standards is risky. It limits our growth because we stick to existing benchmarks instead of reaching for our full potential.
It also creates a false sense of separation instead of fostering genuine connection. In the end, it’s a zero-sum game with no real winners, only bigger divides.
How did we even get here?
It’s a matter of identity.
When we lack confidence in our own worth, we seek validation from others. This leads to jealousy and makes it hard to celebrate others’ successes. We start thinking that others' achievements reduce our own value.
We may withhold information or undermine others, focusing on personal gain rather than collective well-being. We lose empathy and might even secretly feel pleased when others fail.
It's uncomfortable to see, but it doesn't have to be this way.
There's another approach to Competition:
1/ Focus on Personal Growth:
Embrace competition as the highest expression of own our potential. This is a journey of "Who do I want to become?", not just the goals I want to achieve.
2/ Competitors as Mirrors:
Instead of viewing others as adversaries, use others as reflections of what's possible.
3/ Channel Your Creativity:
If you're feeling jealous, it's likely you’re not tapping into your full creative potential. Redirect this energy into expressing your unique genius.
4/ Create a Category of One:
Instead of trying to beat others at their game. Create your own.
Simone Biles, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Banksy.
We remember these names not because they adhered to existing standards, but because they redefined categories on their terms.
Tap into *your* genius, and change the world.
I'd love to hear from you. What do you think?
How have you used competition to fuel your growth?
Let’s inspire each other.
Evolving from the Past and Into the Future
This might look like a barn to you, but to me, it's a portal to my past.
Growing up, I spent my summers working tobacco and running through cornfields.
These were the rhythms of a small farm town with just 10,000 people and one stoplight. It was a place of simplicity, close-knit relationships, and a strong connection to nature. For a long time, it was the perfect place to grow up - until it wasn't.
As I reached my teenage years, I began to feel the constraints of a small town. The world felt bigger, and my aspirations larger than the borders of a cornfield. I longed for more - more experiences, more diversity, more opportunities.
So, I ran the other way.
I went on a journey that took me around the world, trading my small-town roots for the vastness of the big city. In the process, I rejected any part of small-town America in me, convinced that to grow, I needed to shed my past completely.
But life has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn.
As I navigated these new environments, I realized that the very values I had tried to leave behind were the ones that grounded me. The simplicity, the sense of community, the connection to nature - these were not limitations but strengths.
Now, I’ve transitioned to a new phase of my life.
My identity is no longer tied to towns or nations but to my energetic essence and connection to Source. I’ve learned that transcending my past doesn’t mean rejecting it; it means integrating it into my ongoing evolution. This is the essence of "transcend and include."
In nature and science, atoms form molecules, each building upon the other while retaining their core properties. Similarly, transcending and including means moving beyond the limitations of our origins while embracing their valuable lessons.
As you reflect on your own journey, consider this:
Are there aspects of your past that you’ve been trying to escape?
What if true growth isn’t about abandoning those roots but about integrating their wisdom into who you are becoming?
Embrace the richness of your history while stepping into your future.
Your potential is not defined by your past but by how you evolve from it.
Asking For Help
If a 1000-lb horse stepped on your foot, what would you do?
Me? I stayed silent and suffered for it.
Here’s what happened:
I was at a horse ranch with colleagues, guiding horses in a round pen. Suddenly, the alpha horse lifted his hoof and landed squarely on my foot.
My eyes widened, pain throbbed through my foot. Instead of speaking up, I suffered in silence, trying desperately to free myself.
A colleague noticed and asked, “Tiffany, is he stepping on you?”
“Yeah,” I admitted weakly.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Why indeed.
This was a big lesson in the cost of over-independence.
I’m not alone in this.
We all have our own “1000-lb horses” -
Challenges we try to handle on our own.
Often, we avoid asking for help because we fear vulnerability. This self-reliance may seem empowering, but it traps us in a toxic cycle of isolation. We feel isolated, believing others won’t understand or might let us down, and then confirm our fears by not reaching out. This cycle keeps us stuck.
By clinging to control, we block the very transformation we desire.
If asking for help feels unfamiliar, that’s okay.
You don’t need to have all the answers. Simply acknowledging your need for support initiates the healing process. It's in these moments of vulnerability, through the cracks in our armor, that light enters.
This shift from independence to interdependence is the key to intimacy - with humans, and with Spirit.
It doesn’t need to be elaborate - just real and open.
We suffer alone; we heal in community.
PS. Here’s me being shuttled through Vancouver airport, cared for by a dear friend.
How to Live with Structure and Flow
Growing up with an accountant for a dad,
Family vacations were always planned with spreadsheets.
Every detail was accounted for -
Travel logistics, daily activities, emergency contacts - you name it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good spreadsheet.
But I’ve also realized there’s a cost to rigid planning:
1/ Stifles Spontaneity:
When followed too tightly, a spreadsheet can limit what makes a vacation, a vacation. The best moments often come from unexpected discoveries and unplanned adventures.
2/ False Sense of Security:
Anyone who travels knows that things can go awry at any time. No amount of planning can prevent delays, cancellations, or CloudStrike disruptions.
As an adult, I now approach travel differently.
Instead of planning every moment, I make a list of places I want to visit and aim to see one or two each day. I leave the specifics open, allowing for spontaneous exploration. For example, if I'm in Istanbul and want to see the Hagia Sophia, I head in its general direction, knowing it's east of my hotel. I keep a map in my bag and stay present to my surroundings, open to unexpected experiences that might be even better than I imagined.
This way, I set clear intentions while remaining present and adaptable.
My approach to travel is grounded in two key beliefs:
1. Trust in Self:
True safety is created from within. By trusting our creativity, resourcefulness, and inner wisdom, we can navigate any environment and handle whatever comes our way.
2/ Ability to Create from Any Situation:
Every situation holds the potential for growth and discovery. Even if travel plans go sideways, we can turn every circumstance into an enriching experience.
Not surprisingly, I apply these principles to my daily life.
Here’s how I apply these principles:
1. Leading Workshops: I start with a general plan but remain flexible. Instead of shoehorning an agenda, I allow the participants’ interests to guide the session. For example, if a workshop takes an unexpected turn but engages the group, I follow the energy and adapt the focus.
2. Relationships: When making plans with friends or family, my emphasis is on the intention to connect, not on sticking to a detailed schedule. For instance, if we plan a dinner but end up enjoying an impromptu game night, I dance with what’s present and embrace the change.
3. Creating a New Service Offer: I begin with a vision and remain open to adapting based on emerging needs. For example, if market research reveals an unexpected need, I adjust the offering accordingly.
These are just starting points. I’d love to hear your thoughts:
How do you balance structure and flow? Planning and adaptability?
Opening to Possibility
Ten years ago, I was standing outside a hotel in Marrakesh, anxiously waiting for a cab to take me to the airport. Typical me—running late and worried about missing my flight.
As I stood there, I noticed a man across the street waving at me from a horse-drawn carriage. "No way, I can’t take a carriage to the airport," I thought.
Then, a gentle inner voice whispered, “Why not?”
Often, we expect life to unfold in a specific way. We prejudge how and when things should happen, narrowing our focus so much that we miss the divine opportunities right in front of us.
We tend to overlook things that are:
- Too silly
- Too easy
- Too unconventional
The unintended impact is that we miss the gifts Spirit provides. I was fixated on a cab, overlooking an unexpected solution. Part of the spiritual journey is learning to unlearn:
- Unlearning our rigid expectations
- Surrendering to trust the flow of life
- Embracing humility to be open to new answers
Just because something is oddly packaged doesn’t mean we should dismiss it. The Divine often presents opportunities in forms that challenge our conventional thinking. By embracing the unexpected and trusting in Spirit, we open ourselves to surprising and beautiful solutions.
Here's a photo of me finally arriving at the airport, a reminder that when we trust in Spirit and remain open to all possibilities, we find the path forward even in the most unlikely scenarios.
What about you?
Where’s that weird horse-drawn carriage in your life?
Yes, it's possible.
You can be optimistic without being naive.
You can be childlike without being childish.
You can be humble without being invisible.
You can be vulnerable without being weak.
You can be curious without being intrusive.
You can be spontaneous without being reckless.
You can be empathetic without being overwhelmed.
Thin Places
When I lived in DC, I would visit the Lincoln Memorial late at night.
It was my “thin space,” where the veil between the physical and spiritual, seemed to dissolve.
I’d sit on the steps and soak in the warm glow of the monuments. I’d marvel as moonlight danced across the reflecting pool. In this place, I could feel my body soften, my breath deepen.
The world around me hushed, and in that stillness,
I could hear the universe whisper.
Thin spaces are like magical portals.
Time seems to stand still.
Every breath is infused with a sense of presence.
The world quiets,
And it feels like you’re stepping into a deeper layer of reality.
Connecting us to something greater, something mysterious.
I’ve been in thin spaces all over the world:
Some vibrant and bustling like Grand Central Station,
Others are awe-inspiring like the Sangrada Familia.
Even airports can hold that same ethereal quality, with their constant ebb and flow.
These spaces invite us to slow down, reflect,
And connect with the Divine within and around us.
Where’s your thin space?
How to Connect In Polarizing Times
A few years ago, I was celebrating my birthday at a restaurant with friends.
Midway through our meal, I noticed a gentleman sitting next to us, eating alone. He seemed tired, clearly having had a long day.
I kept glancing over at him, feeling a strong urge to connect, but keenly aware of the social dos and don’ts of talking with strangers.
Finally, I turned to him and asked, "Hey there, would you like to join us?"
He smiled, a bit weary but grateful. "I just came off a long flight. It’s nice to connect with folks."
Curious, I asked why he was in town.
"Oh, my band has a gig."
"Where are you playing?” I asked, “Some local joint?", expecting a modest answer.
"Capital One Arena. Maybe you've heard of us?…. The Red Hot Chili Peppers."
Jaw drop.
Stunned silence turned to laughter :)
Whenever I think of this story, it reminds me of the power of human connection.
Especially today, when everything feels polarized, it's important to return to the basics of connecting with one another.
1. Trust the Nudge
Spirit speaks to us in whispers. When you feel an urge to connect, even if it seems unusual or socially awkward, act on it. The outcome may be far greater than you expect.
2. Extend Connection
We often think we’re moving through the world alone, but every small gesture bridges the gaps between us.
Share the smile, hold the door, pause to listen.
It matters.
3. Be Willing to Receive Connection
We suffer alone, but we heal in community.
If you’re alone and someone extends a branch, reach out and grab it.
Connection, receptivity, love.
“Hey, are you guys doing anything tonight? Wanna come see us play?”
Here’s a pic from that night :)
Leading in A Multi-dimensional Universe
Here’s the truth about leading in a multi-dimensional universe:
It challenges everything we've been taught,
Flipping conventional leadership on its head, if we're open, we realize:
1/ Having More Fun Leads to Serious Breakthroughs:
Approaching serious issues with rigidness only creates constriction and limits possibilities. By embracing joy and playfulness we enhance creativity and seed solutions.
2/ By Quieting, We Hear More:
Rather than seeking external validation through more data and information, the answers are already within us. Quieting the external noise and tuning into our inner guidance allows clarity and intuition to emerge naturally.
3/ By Releasing Control, We Come into Command:
Leadership isn’t about micromanaging every detail. It’s about trusting in the natural flow of situations and embracing presence over perfection. Releasing the need for control creates space for unexpected possibilities to unfold.
4/ Relaxing the Mind, We Access Deeper Intelligence:
While our minds are powerful, true intelligence goes beyond intellect. By quieting the mind and tapping into our senses, we access a deeper wisdom that perceives insights and energies beyond the physical realm.
5/ Embracing Humanness Unlocks Divine Potential:
Our human experiences—emotions, vulnerabilities, and imperfections—are pathways to our infinite potential. By accepting these parts of ourselves, instead of hiding or ignoring them, we shed our false selves and connect with the part that is wise, eternal, and divine.
Sourcing From the Infinite
One of the biggest illusions we face is the belief in scarcity—
That we are limited by our current resources.
In my experience, if something exists in the universe, it is available to us.
To fully receive, it’s important to understand two things:
1. Everything in the universe is energy—resources, ideas, wisdom.
2. We are interconnected across all time, space, and dimensions.
Once we understand we are part of a unified consciousness, we realize that everything is available through our interconnected web. We simply need to bring conscious awareness to it.
We hear a lot about transmitting our desires to attract what we want, so I won’t belabor this. What I want to draw more attention to is the opening to receive these transmissions from our *own* reservoirs of wisdom and experience.
The truth is that we are infinitely resourced; we just need clarity on where we are drawing from and precisely what we seek to receive. So the question becomes: What do you want? And are you willing to receive it?
Energetic transmissions are like an AirDrop. Just as we wirelessly share files and photos, we can also receive resources from across the cosmos.
So, let’s break this down:
What do you want to source?
We can receive anything, including:
- Healing Energy: Healing for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical imbalances.
- Spiritual Wisdom: Insights that deepen our understanding of spiritual truths.
- Higher States of Consciousness: Elevated awareness to universal insights.
- Activation of Potentials: Awakening of dormant skills, gifts, and abilities—think languages, artistic abilities, public speaking.
Where are these coming from?
Since we’re all connected, you can source from:
- Past Lives: Aspects of ourselves existing in other timelines and dimensions, where lessons and experiences can be transferred into this incarnation.
- Collective Wisdom: Knowledge accumulated through our shared energetic field.
- Ancestors: We often focus on inherited trauma and generational wounds, but we often overlook the inherited gifts—talents, insights, and resilience—that span generations.
Everything essential for our growth, learning, and evolution is within our reach.
When we embrace this reality, we step into a new paradigm of abundance and interconnectedness. By tapping into the limitless resources available to us, we elevate our own lives and also create a ripple effect that uplifts humanity.
So, the next time you feel constraints, remember you are part of a boundless universe, rich with possibilities and connections. Open yourself to receive, and watch as the universe responds beyond your wildest imagination.
Misconceptions of Unity
What if we’ve misunderstood Unity?
By thinking it’s all unicorns and rainbows, what if we’re getting in our own way?
Here’s what I mean:
Unitive consciousness is the deep awareness that all beings are interconnected.
It’s the shared essence of life.
It’s the sense that fosters empathy, compassion, and a profound sense of belonging.
We recognize we are parts of a greater whole means, and we understand that what affects one part of the system ultimately impacts the entire system.
To truly embrace this shift, we have to clarify a few points:
1. Embracing Diversity, Not Uniformity
Unity doesn’t require uniformity.
It’s about celebrating the diversity within our shared oneness, recognizing that differences enrich our collective experience. Imagine a team where each member brings unique backgrounds and skills, contributing to innovative solutions without conforming to a single way of thinking.
2. Grounded Reality, Not Escapism
Unity consciousness isn't about escaping or ignoring the physical world.
It’s about fully engaging with reality from a place of deep understanding, seeing beyond superficial differences to connect with the essence of all beings. Leaders who practice mindfulness use it not to escape challenges but to meet them with clarity and compassion.
3. Embrace Conflict, Don’t Avoid It
Conflict is a natural part of human interaction and an opportunity for collective growth. Rather than shying away from difficult conversations, unitive consciousness encourages us to embrace them as opportunities to understand each other better and evolve together.
To shift our collective consciousness, we have to understand Unity is a process.
Not a magical, overnight transformation.
Idealizing it with rainbows and unicorns bypasses the real complexities involved.
Instead, it requires a daily practice of:
Staying present
Engaging in difficult conversations
Celebrating individual quirks while recognizing our interconnectedness.
This is the essence of unitive consciousness.
A Transmission of Peace
I know this is a scary time for many people.
So many uncertainties. So much upheaval.
And, it is precisely in these times that it is important to breathe.
Now this doesn’t mean dismissing or denying the chaos around us. But it does mean acknowledging that within every storm, there is an eye of calm. By harnessing our power from *this* space, we create opportunities for the light to come through.
We know from our personal journeys, to not fear falling apart. For it is within the cracks that we are reborn. This understanding extends to our collective journey as well.
We know the world does not need more knee-jerk reaction.
It needs a healed, holistic response.
This can only come from a grounded inner state.
From this place,
We lead with love.
We transmit peace.
We act from inspired guidance.
I invite you to come to that place with me now.
Take a moment and,
Come into your body
Come into yourself
Come into full presence
Feel yourself from the inside out. Feel the inner contours of your being.
Breathe into your body.
Find the parts of you that are
And unstable.
Maybe they show up as tension, density, or stickiness.
Allow yourself to experience these feelings fully.
Acknowledge the pain, instability, and disappointment.
Give this all the attention it needs.
Now breathe in again, and gently dissolve what no longer serves.
Let all the tension, cloudiness, and residue leave your body.
Feel the spacious present here now.
From here, breathe into your heart space.
Allow yourself to feel that place of restfulness.
Find that place of peace. Let yourself stay here.
Feel yourself settle.
Allow yourself to be held.
Feel a sense of nourishment and deep restoration.
From this place of depth and groundedness know that you are a transmitter of Light.
You have the opportunity to transform the world.
If you feel called, think of a person, group, or region in the world.
With your intention, send them peace to them now.
Imagine a white, golden light transmitting from your heart to theirs.
Let this light transmit with fullness, depth, and radiance.
Do this now.
Do this until you feel complete.
Know that you have been transformed.
And that you have transformed the world through your Light.
And so it is.
Hi I’m Tiffany May Yan Chan, I’m a Spiritual Advisor to Entrepreneurial Leaders. I write about leading from unity consciousness. If this resonates, please like, follow, and DM. I’d love to hear from you.
Reframing the Leadership Job Description
Are you bored with this whole leadership conversation?
I am.
Everything feels so banal, like we’re missing something fundamental.
I think it’s because we’ve framed this whole leadership thing wrong.
Our role as leaders isn’t just to hit metrics;
It’s to guide our evolution towards Love.
Yes, it’s that simple.
We are overcomplicating what is inherently a straightforward thing. Our strategies fall short and our priorities feel misaligned because we have the fundamental job description wrong.
As a leader, we are to:
- Lead with love: Approach decisions from unitive consciousness.
- Lead from love: Let love be the thrust of our actions and intentions.
- Lead as love: Embody love in full presence.
So that we, as a collective, may:
- Live with love
- Live from love
- Live *as* love
Once we remember this, everything else falls into place.
This shift isn’t idealistic; it’s necessary.
It's the evolution of leadership our world desperately needs.
What do you think?
The Numbing Effect of Productivity
Does this sound familiar?
When I attended my first silent retreat, I came prepared.
I brought a list of seven major life questions, a stack of books to provide wisdom, a fancy pen, and a journal to capture it all. I was ready to tackle the big issues and be productive.
What actually happened?
I spent most of the retreat sleeping.
I was avoiding the deep loneliness that surfaced in the quiet. I expected to find clarity and answers, but instead, I found myself upended by stillness.
Quiet was unfamiliar.
Quiet was awkward.
Quiet was scary.
In moments of uncertainty, we default to what’s comfortable.
If you're anything like me, the default is action. But as the old saying goes - growth comes from discomfort. For many of us, discomfort is to simply be.
The Numbing Effect of Productivity
We recognize behaviors like overeating, mindless scrolling, and alcohol consumption as ways to avoid emotions. Yet, one of the most socially rewarded forms of avoidance is often overlooked:
Yes, I said it.
Our culture celebrates achievement and efficiency. It’s easy to use productivity as a shield against uncomfortable emotions. But what happens when our relentless drive to do more is actually a way to avoid feeling?
**Productivity is a socially acceptable addiction.**
Think about it.
We glorify being busy. We wear our overstuffed calendars as badges of honor. But behind this façade of accomplishment lies a stark truth: productivity can mask our emotions just as effectively as any other numbing behavior.
It’s time to call it out for what it is:
A way to hide from ourselves.
Because facing ourselves means confronting our deepest insecurities. It means acknowledging the parts of us that feel unworthy, unloved, and vulnerable. It's far easier to stay busy, to drown out the inner voice that whispers truths we don't want to hear.
Facing ourselves requires courage. It demands we sit with our pain. It challenges us to drop the façade and embrace our true selves - messy, flawed, and beautiful.
To lead a holistic life, we must recognize that life is about both being and doing.
Embracing our being enhances our capacity to do.
So here's the challenge:
- What feelings arise when you allow yourself to be still?
- How can you create moments of being in your daily life?
- When do you use productivity to avoid uncomfortable emotions?
Next time you find yourself diving into work to avoid feeling, pause.
Allow yourself to just breathe.
It's in these moments of being that we expand our capacity for meaningful doing.