Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Lean into the Mystery

I recently submitted an idea for a TEDx talk, 

But it was turned down with the feedback: “No bad science." 

Ouch. This touched upon an insecurity of mine,

The struggle to: 

• To articulate the inexplicable, 

• Prove the existence of a higher power, 

• To give irrefutable evidence that what I’ve experienced is real.

Even when I asked one of my closest friends if he believed me, he responded, 

“I believe, that YOU believe, what you experience is real.” 

(He’s an engineer by training 😉)


With every setback comes a silver lining, and here’s mine: 

Stop trying so hard. 

The Universe, in all its complexity, cannot be fully captured by words or scientific data. Even the best descriptions are approximations. There’s beauty in the mystery, in accepting that some things are beyond our grasp. If everything could be explained, it would lose its divine essence. 

As the Tao Te Ching begins, “Any Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”

So, instead of trying to explain, I’m leaning into the Unknown. 

This shift in perspective has been liberating. It’s a move from proving to living, from collecting evidence to experiencing. I’ve found a deeper connection to the world by reveling in it, instead of cracking its mysteries.

The thing is, our quest for proof can sometimes blind us to the wonder of simply being. The universe, life, and existence itself are vast, intricate puzzles that no amount of data can fully solve.

Living the mystery doesn’t mean abandoning reason or dismissing science. 

It means recognizing the limits of our understanding and being open to the awe that comes with those limits. It means finding peace in the unknown and joy in the journey of discovery. There is beauty in what cannot be proven, in the spaces between science and the sublime.

It is in these gaps that we often find the most profound truths about our existence. 

As I lean into this perspective, I invite you to do the same. 

Embrace the mystery.

Because it’s in the inexplicable that we often find the deepest connections to life, to each other, and to the Universe itself.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Letting things die

A life skill I wished I had learned much earlier:

How to let things die.

I've always been a fighter, believing sheer willpower could change circumstances, and unwilling to accept when things were coming to an end. This mindset affected many areas of my life:

**1. Relationships:**  

I held on to friendships and romantic partners long past their due date, thinking that if I just tried harder and pushed more, we could make it work. Sound familiar?

**2. Jobs:**  

I stayed in roles that bored me, roles I had clearly outgrown. I clung to the familiar even when it cost me my vitality.

**3. Possessions:**  

I held on to clothes, trinkets, and apartments that no longer fit my personality or style, thinking there *might* be some usefulness in the future. Not realizing the accumulation of things was weighing me down.

Sharing this feels vulnerable, but I know I’m not the only one. It begs the question: Why do we fear letting go?

I think this stems from three reasons:

**1. Fear of Loss of Identity:**  

We often define ourselves through our relationships, possessions, and activities. Letting go of these attachments can feel like letting go of who we are, especially when we don’t know who we are without them.

**2. Conflating Endings with Failure:**  

I don’t like to lose. For the longest time, I perceived endings as personal failures rather than natural conclusions.

**3. Fear of the Unknown:**  

If you’re like me, you want something solid in hand before releasing the not-so-great option. I thought this would keep me safe, but in reality, the in-between space felt like a purgatory of unfulfillment.

So, what have I learned?

Our inability to let go, surrender, and embrace endings has a hidden cost. By holding on, I not only prolonged my pain, I contributed to my suffering.

Here’s what I know now:

**1. Release Invites New Opportunities:**  

Holding tightly to what is already dissolving is like trying to grasp sand—the harder I squeeze, the faster it slips away. By letting go, I open my hands to receive new possibilities for my life.

**2. Perspective Shapes Understanding:**  

I often prematurely judged an ending as good or bad, thinking it was the end of something. But where does the road end? Answer: Who knows? What may seem like an ending might actually serve as fertilizer for a new beginning. Trusting that everything, even the unsavory aspects, is working towards our highest good is a big part of the spiritual journey.

**3. Empowerment Through Choice:**  

Letting go is empowering. Instead of being passive participants in our suffering, we become active agents, making conscious decisions to align with our well-being. By consciously deciding to let go, we affirm that we are choiceful co-creators.

I’d love to hear from you. What are you holding onto? What’s passed its due date? What might you gain by loosening your grip and welcoming change?


Hi, I’m Tiffany May Yan Chan, a Spiritual Advisor to Leaders. I write about consciousness, energy, and leadership. If this resonates, please reach out. I’d love to hear from you.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Let the Creation create you

We often think of creation as a one-way street.

Where artists wield their tools to manifest their vision.

But here’s what we often miss: 

Creation is a dynamic exchange, a dance between the creator and the created, where transformation occurs mutually.

With every brushstroke, we contribute to the artwork.

But more significantly, we embark on an inner journey of growth. Each stroke refines our technique, deepens our understanding, and broadens our perspective. This is a symbiotic relationship.

We are both the architects and the products of the creative process.

But the magic doesn't end there. 

Our creations take on lives of their own. They become mentors who offer unexpected insights and challenges, guiding us toward new dimensions of ourselves.  When we're open to learning from our creations, allowing ourselves to be shaped by them, we grow as individuals. 

By embracing this dynamic exchange, we foster personal growth and true innovation.

Here’s what I mean:

Think about the relationship between parents and children. 

Parents create children, but children catalyze changes in their parents' lives, reshaping who they are. Parents face a crucial choice: they can either impose their preconceived notions on how life should unfold, or they can embark on a journey of mutual learning and growth. It's when parents choose humility - when they open to the wisdom and insights of their children—that they truly evolve as individuals and in turn, become better parents.

Why does this matter?

As leaders, we're taught that authority and control are the cornerstones of effective leadership. But this mindset is quickly becoming outdated. True leadership lies in humility, in recognizing that growth occurs not through exerting control, but through embracing the dynamic exchange between leader and team, between creator and creation.  It comes from knowing your subordinates may have the better idea, and from instilling in them that you, as a leader, are approachable and willing to learn.

The next phase of leadership demands that we release the illusion of control and enter into a deeper sense of humility. 

As leaders, we're faced with the challenge of empowered surrender, where we recognize our strengths while remaining open to being shaped by our experiences. This approach not only allows us to grow personally but also empowers others to take on leadership roles in their own lives.

Next time you're leading a team on a major project, consider stepping back from micromanagement and embracing humility. By acknowledging your strengths and showing openness to learning from others and the project itself, you create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute and lead in their own way.

It's in this space of openness and collaboration that genuine innovation thrives.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Choose Your Vibration

Imagine this: You’re stuck in an elevator in a century-old building,

Wedged among 15 people, the air thick and stifling.

That was my reality yesterday, with sweat trickling down my neck.

As we waited for help, one thing became abundantly clear:

Panic was not an option.

In moments like these, our instinct is to take decisive action.

But here’s what I've learned:

True leadership is more than just action. It’s about being fully present in the moment, mindful of the energy we project.

We each have our personal vibration.

It changes based on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We can let our vibration match the chaotic frequencies of the world, or we can consciously choose how we want to feel.

Research from the HeartMath Institute confirms this.

Our hearts are not just organs; they are powerful transmitters, emitting electromagnetic signals that extend up to 4 feet from our bodies. This means that every emotion we feel can be felt by others around us.

As the “middle sardine,” packed in the center, I faced a powerful choice:

Choose calm or choose anxiety. Because our bodies resonate like tuning forks, I knew whatever I felt, others would feel around me. The stronger and more coherent my vibration, the more it would naturally resonate with others.

As another bead of sweat dripped down my neck, I closed my eyes and breathed.

You see, every change in our physiological state influences our mental and emotional state, and vice versa. Even though I couldn’t physically move, I could use my breath to calm my body.

Almost immediately, I felt the group relax.

Within moments, womeone cracked a joke, another sang a tune. The man behind me commented, “I appreciate how everyone is staying so calm.”

Why does this matter?

We live in a world of seemingly increasing conflict and tension. It’s easy to feel helpless. But we underestimate our ability to influence the tone of our collective energy. Our ability to remain centered and radiate a positive, coherent field is our most powerful tool.

Here's an example:

A 2016 study found that when 1% of a city's population practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM), the city's crime rate decreased the following year and continued to decrease over the next years.

Imagine what’s possible when more of us actively choose calm.

So, the next time life throws you into a tight space, remember you always have a choice.

The energy you project can have a significant effect on both yourself and those around you.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Experiencing Oneness

I remember the exact moment when my entire perspective shifted.

It wasn't during a lecture or buried in a book,

I was exploring the energetic field of the whale kingdom.

Now, let me be clear, I've never been a “whale person”. But I was learning to access the quantum field, and we were assigned to access the energy of the animal kingdom. With caution and curiosity, I leaned in.

As I tapped into their energy, something remarkable happened.

It was as if a switch had flipped. Suddenly, I was enveloped by their profound depth, wise presence, and majestic grace. It was as if I had plunged into a sea of their energy.

Completely immersed in their world.

At that moment, a light bulb went off.

While I always understood interconnectedness intellectually, it was entirely different to viscerally experience that sense of oneness. It was as if the universe knocked me over the head, sharing a profound understanding of our collective existence.

And I know I’m not the only one.

We've all had glimpses of interconnectedness - those moments where we feel a profound unity with the world around us. Whether it's being mesmerized by a sunset or sharing a quiet moment with a newborn baby, these experiences remind us of a deeper truth - we are not alone.

Here’s the good news:

We can return to that sense of interconnectedness.

When we consciously work with energy, we're given an extended experience—a powerful reminder of just how intertwined our lives truly are. We transition from merely understanding we’re not alone to experiencing how we're woven into the fabric of existence. This indelible experience illustrates how we are influenced by the energy around us, and we possess the power to shape this energy in return.

This deep experiential knowing transforms our leadership.

Here’s how:

1/ Deeper empathy and understanding:

When we feel a heightened awareness of other’s experiences, we relate to them more deeply and compassionately.

2/ Personal transformation:

This makes us more attuned to our own emotions, thoughts, and intentions. By recognizing the energetic imprints we leave on the world, we gain insight into our behavior, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

3/ Powerful leadership:

Understanding our interconnectedness empowers us to cultivate environments of inclusivity and collaboration. By embracing our shared existence, we foster a sense of belonging within our teams, encouraging diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to flourish. This inclusive approach to leadership not only strengthens team dynamics but also drives collective growth and success.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

A New Paradigm for Innovation

Innovation is the lifeblood of progress.

Yet, our creative approach often neglects unseen forces shaping our world. What if the key to true innovation lies beyond what meets the eye? What if the answers are in the subtle energies that surround us?

Quantum physics reveals a profound truth: 

Everything - thoughts, objects, emotions - emits a unique frequency. Even the toughest global challenges have an energetic signature, just waiting to be decoded.

As an Energetic Advisor, I guide leaders to decipher these subtle energies. By mastering the art of sensing and interpreting these frequencies, we unlock invaluable insights that traditional data alone cannot provide.

For example, I help policymakers feel the energy of their constituents. This helps them discern unspoken emotions and avoid conflicts. I work with CEOs to tune into industry energies. This helps them anticipate market shifts and seize opportunities.

When leaders integrate quantitative observations, such as data, with more subtle qualitative perceptions, like emotions, they gain a nuanced understanding of their situation. This is really what empowers innovators to craft proactive and truly innovative solutions. 

We can no longer rely solely on left-brain intellect in our creative process.

By ignoring energy dynamics, we risk making shallow or ineffective solutions. Neglecting these energies may lead to misdiagnoses. It may also make existing problems worse. Our world is becoming ever more complex, uncertain, and interconnected. And our challenges demand integrated solutions. 

It's time for a paradigm shift in innovation - one that looks beyond the tip of the data iceberg and embraces the intangible aspects of our existence. Imagine what’s possible when we adopt a holistic approach to global challenges. We can address both the issues and the people involved.

And we can do so on every level: mind, body, spirit, and soul.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Deep Listening

In a world craving genuine connection, deep listening is the key to transformation. 

We often get trapped in shallow conversations and we miss out on true understanding. 

What if it were different?

Envision a world where deep listening is natural, where we embrace vulnerability, and where we genuinely see, hear, and know each other deeply.

When I listen, I’m always navigating three levels simultaneously:

1/ Self-awareness: I am attuned to my own emotions and internal thoughts. I intentionally create a space for empathy and unbiased listening. By acknowledging my assumptions, I pave the way for deeper understanding.

2/ The other person: This extends beyond mere words. I observe non-verbal cues, movements, and emotional states, I delve into their world with intention. This presence helps me develop a richer understanding of their perspective, needs, and desires.

3/ The field: The conversation unfolds within a broader context—a symphony of energy, atmosphere, and external influences. I attune myself to the environment, allowing its subtle currents to shape our interaction.

But deep listening isn't confined to human interactions alone.

It encompasses all aspects of our existence. 

When I guide clients, I teach them to listen deeply to their businesses, systems, and even the Divine. You see, everything around us has a consciousness. Our world eagerly wants to communicate and engage with us, so it can be elevated to its highest expression. 

To tap into this wisdom, we must be willing to listen and awaken our innate abilities.

This is not something foreign, in fact, you’re already doing it. Have you ever entered a room after a heated argument and sensed the tension lingering in the air? That, my friend, is your extrasensory perception at work.

Just as we have our physical senses, we also have our subtle senses—five portals to the subtle realms:

1/ Clairempathy: We can feel the emotions of others, of the room we're in, and even of entire communities. 

2/ Clairvoyance: We see things in our mind's eye, beyond the realm of the tangible. Through this inner vision, we gain profound insights that extend beyond spoken words.

3/ Clairaudience: We hear the voice of wise guidance, it may manifest as inner dialogue or even melodies of music. By discerning nuances in tone and emphasis, we decipher unspoken messages that weave through conversations.

4/ Clairsentience: This gift engages the physical body, we can feel sensations ripple or even discern subtle touch. 

5/ Claircognizance: This is our deep knowing that transcends rational explanation. This intuitive sense unveils underlying currents, unexpressed thoughts, and unspoken desires.

By integrating these skills of deep listening, we unlock a profound connection not only with others but also with the subtle world that surrounds us. 

We invite a depth of understanding that transcends surface-level interactions and fosters genuine connection and collective evolution.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

External World Mirrors Internal Reality

In my 20s, I briefly considered joining the military.

I’ve always been drawn to a life of adventure and purpose. But when I shared this with my friend Todd, he promptly reminded me, "Tiffany, you don’t like being told what to do." 

And that door closed instantly.

I'm not anti-authority. 

I just like the freedom to make choices. I like being able to breathe and expand however I want to, whenever I want to. 

My independent streak may stem from my strict upbringing or fiery Aries nature. Whatever the root, the mere thought of being controlled or confined sends shivers down my spine. 

Perhaps you can relate?

Not surprisingly, this longing for autonomy spills into my relationships. 

Whether it's in dating, professional collaborations, or family dynamics, I'm constantly navigating the delicate dance of expressing my individuality while honoring others in partnership.

I'll be honest, I have much to learn. However, this spiritual principle has helped immensely:

The external world mirrors our inner selves. 

Our inner world shapes our perception of reality; therefore, what we see, encounter, and attract in the external world often mirrors our internal state.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: 

My internal fears, doubts, and limitations shape how I perceive the world. 

When I lack self-worth, everything around me feels suffocating. In moments of insecurity, it seems everyone is trying to control me. It's challenging because I project onto others what I fear within myself. When I feel limited, I assume others are limited too. 

The internal struggles I grapple with, manifest in my external reality. 

This is an uncomfortable pill to swallow. No one wants to face how they might unwittingly contribute to negative dynamics.


But here's the empowering part: 

Within me lies the equal capacity to transcend these limitations.

When I cultivate a sense of inner security, attempts to control me lose their power.

By confidently embracing my inner authority, I worry less about feeling stifled. My self-worth doesn’t need to be contingent on circumstances - it's built from the inside. And, when my sense of worth does fluctuate, it’s a clear sign that it likely wasn't rooted in authenticity. Recognizing this propels me to delve deeper into alignment with my True Self.

By embracing this principle, I've discovered newfound spaciousness in my life. 

I’ve become much less reactive to others' attempts to control me.

Instead, of feeling frustrated I approach their actions with compassion, understanding their behavior reflects their internal world. So, when yet another family member asks me when I’m going to get married, I have the freedom to choose how I respond. I feel less compelled to assert my independence forcefully; instead, I navigate the world from a place of deep inner knowing of myself and my path.


Embracing these truths creates a profound shift in perception. 

It requires that I take full responsibility for creating my own reality. It's about embracing true agency, not merely asserting it for the sake of rebellion. So if you're someone who, like me, craves autonomy, I invite you to slow down. 

True agency lies not in defying authority, but in shifting our internal world to experience freedom regardless of circumstance. 

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Expanded Leadership

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a new kind of leadership.

Leadership grounded in wisdom,

Where leaders make policy and business decisions from:
• Non-judgment
• Interconnectedness
• Deep empathy and compassion

I want a world where leaders embody expanded states of consciousness. Where leaders become beacons of inspiration, encouraging others to think bigger and dream bolder.

What’s possible when a critical mass of leaders make decisions from this place?

1/ Improved Collaboration:

Leaders who’ve experienced Oneness, a state of unity, approach the world differently. They recognize the deep interconnectedness of every person. Once they’ve experienced this unity, they’re less affected by differences and more willing to explore other perspectives. This mindset fosters genuine collaboration.

2/ Creative Problem-Solving:

To tackle big challenges, leaders need more than just big brains. They must access their full toolbox, including emotions, intuition, and body wisdom. When leaders have greater awareness, they see issues from a broader perspective. Instead of addressing surface-level problems, they dig deeper to find the root causes. This approach leads to truly innovative solutions that make meaningful impact.

3/ Whole Solutions:

Trauma touches us all, including leaders. When leaders confront their wounds and lead from a place of healing and wholeness, remarkable things happen. Holistic solutions begin to emerge, benefiting the greater collective. As my friend Rei Chou often says, "Whole people create whole things."

This is the kind of leadership our world desperately needs, and it's the world I am actively working to build.

Will you join me?

If you're ready, here's a starting point:
• Invest in your own healing
• Embrace different perspectives
• Expand your emotional toolbox

Let's transform leadership and create a world where wisdom and compassion reign.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

How can I Trust my Intuition?

People often ask me, "How can I trust my intuition?"

The answer can be distilled into two simple, yet powerful steps:

1/ Manage the chorus
2/ Listen to the soloist

Let’s break this down:

Step 1: Managing the chorus

Humans are complex, multi-faceted beings.

We’re shaped by a myriad of influences. Our upbringing, familial dynamics, interactions with colleagues, and even past lives all contribute to our inner chorus. This chorus manifests as a collection of thoughts that constantly vie for our attention.

But not all voices reflect our true essence.

They originate from an external source, like societal expectations or a well-meaning loved one. These voices once served as a form of protection. But as we evolve, we outgrow their influence and we must decide how we want to engage.

Here’s an example.

My friend Alex grew up in a family that valued traditional career paths. Despite a deep longing for artistry, Alex internalized the voices of his family, and he disconnected from his true passion. Over time, Alex began to question these inherited beliefs. He realized the chorus of voices didn’t accurately reflect his authentic desires.

A big part of trusting intuition is recognizing when our thoughts run wild and giving ourselves space to decide how we want to respond.

We can begin by asking ourselves simple questions:

• Whose voice is that?
• What is it trying to protect?
• Is this voice still helpful to me?

We've all gone against intuition, it doesn’t feel great, it’s like we've betrayed ourselves. Taking time to reflect empowers us to align with our inner wisdom, and this brings us to the next step.

Step 2: Listening to the Soloist

Within the chorus, there’s a voice that stands out - our True Self.
This voice speaks gently, leading us toward our greatest potential. It's like a star soloist, captivating us with its wisdom and bravery. Trusting our intuition means attuning to the soloist and actively listening through our emotions and sensations. By doing so, we cultivate our own special language, a personal way of understanding our soul’s guidance.

Now, let's make this practical:

Imagine you're deciding whether to leave your job.

First, gather information and analyze the options using your mind. Next, breathe deeply, and tune into your body. When you think about leaving your job, how does it feel? Do you sense expansion or contraction? Notice your emotions. Are they in resonance or dissonance? Feel your heart. Does it fill you with excitement or a lackluster feeling?

Your intuition will always point you toward joy and fulfillment.

Honoring your intuition means embracing the wisdom of your soul. It’s important to remember, following inner guidance may result in short-term discomfort, growth always means moving through challenges.

But over time, that internal feeling of expansiveness is how you will live your life.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Clearing the Channel

As a visionary, you can see what others cannot.

But what if I told you there's more, and your supernatural senses hold even greater depths?

The human experience stretches far beyond our everyday consciousness, it includes subtle realms that beckon us.

Still skeptical? Just look at the natural world.

Snakes, with their special pit organs, sense infrared radiation. Bees use UV vision to see intricate floral patterns. Even dogs have extraordinary hearing range.

Nature reveals a hidden realm waiting to be explored.

Just because we can't sense it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And by expanding our channels of perception, we can deepen our understanding of the universe.

So, how do we embark on this incredible journey?

It begins with clearing the channel.

Imagine yourself as an intricate pipe designed to channel subtle energies and the Divine.

Emotions, or "energy in motion," are meant to be felt and let go. But when we experience pain or distress, these emotional currents get stuck, causing blockages within us. As time goes on, remnants of past experiences build up and become obstacles restricting our perception.

To become clear channels for heightened awareness, we have to dissolve trapped energies through emotional release.

Here's one technique I practice with my clients:

1/ Create space: Give yourself the gift of privacy, free from technology and time constraints.

2/ Breathe: Bring yourself fully into the present.

3/ Scan your body: Notice any areas of tension, density, or pain.

4/ Describe the physical sensation: How does it feel? Where does it radiate? Does it have a color, a temperature, or a shape? Trust your instincts and describe them naturally.

5/ Feel the emotion: What emotions arise with this sensation? Is it fear? Anger? Jealousy? Allow yourself to experience the emotion fully. Remember, emotional states are temporary and will pass.

6/ Follow it: Observe if the energy shifts or moves within your body. Follow its path, feel it, and continue describing it. Allow yourself to be fully present with the emotion.

7/ Release: Eventually, the energy will naturally dissipate. When you're ready, let it go and release it.

Congratulations! You've successfully moved energy through your body.

After just a few minutes, you might feel lighter, more open, and perhaps even happier. We often try to avoid unpleasant emotions, thinking that if we ignore them, they won't be a problem. But emotions aren't inherently good or bad; they just exist. Like most things in life, the best way to address them is directly and honestly.

By paying attention to areas where we feel stuck, we open ourselves up to new ways of being and seeing the world. This process may take some time to get the hang of it, but I encourage you to keep at it or seek help from a practitioner. The rewards are tremendous.

When we better understand ourselves, we discover new layers of understanding in the world around us. This is how our perception expands and grows.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Acceptance of Self And Other

This is uncomfortable to admit: 

When I first transitioned to an intuitive career, I held a lot of judgment towards those who seemed too "woo" for my liking.

Grounded practitioners, I was fine connecting with. I found comfort in their down-to-earth, practical approach.

However, my more free-spirited colleagues? 

Honestly, I didn't want to be associated with them. Their way of expressing themselves felt strange and complex. It seemed like we were coming from different worlds.

But deep down, my concerns stemmed from fear. 

I worried about the impact they’d have on my reputation and how society would perceive our profession as a whole. I feared their unconventional ways, might undermine our work and breed distrust.

Really, I just wanted society to accept me.

As time went on, I began to challenge my own biases. I realized my judgments were terribly unfair.

Here's what I've learned:

Acceptance of self is acceptance of others.

Have you ever met someone who’s excessively judgmental of others? 

Well, more often than not, it's because they’re incredibly judgmental of themselves. They struggle to accept certain things in others because deep down, they struggle to accept those same things within themselves. I can relate because I wasn't fully comfortable with my own wild and free nature, so I projected that judgment onto others.

But as I've progressed on my spiritual journey, things have changed. 

I've learned to embrace myself more fully. I’ve grown more accepting of my weird and wild ways, and in turn, have my spaciousness for those qualities in others.

While I still connect strongly with grounded practitioners, I've come to appreciate and value my more free-spirited colleagues. Why? Because they inspire me. Their fearlessness and authenticity awaken my brazen soul. They show me that it's okay to break free from societal expectations and explore unconventional paths. They teach me that there isn't one right way to do things and that growth often occurs when we step outside the usual boundaries.

Why am I sharing this?

Well, if you're someone who’s interested in exploring spirituality but worried about being labeled as one of "those" people, I want you to know it’s natural to have reservations.  

I see you, I know you, and I’m sending my love to you. 

And, I’m encouraging you to be kind to yourself. 

When we love all of who we are, even the parts that feel unconventional, we create extraordinary space for growth and evolution. 

And here's the beautiful thing: Society is changing. 

More and more people are awakening to the power of spirituality. As the collective consciousness evolves, the narrow-minded judgments of the past are replaced with open-minded acceptance.

By stepping into your own spiritual journey, you contribute to this shift. 

You become a radiant beacon, inspiring others to explore their paths. Your authenticity creates ripples of change that extend far beyond your own personal growth.

So go ahead, and celebrate the beautifully bizarre and gloriously unconventional parts of yourself. Embrace them, shower them with unconditional love, and grant them the freedom to flourish. 

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Addicted To The News

I have a confession: I was deeply addicted to the news.

I loved staying updated on everything.

Every morning, I'd dive into the headlines, unaware of their impact on my energy.

Here's what I learned:

Mindlessly consuming news limited my ability to think beyond what was presented. The constant exposure to violence, corruption, and tragedy affected my spirit, dampening my morale. It made me believe the world would never change, and that any efforts to create a better future were futile. Instead of focusing on what was possible, I found myself reacting to negativity.

But there was a hidden truth behind my addiction.

The reality is, I craved control and certainty in my own life. I used the news as a substitute for knowing.

I was addicted to needing to know, without realizing my addiction.

Beneath it all, I was afraid of what I would discover if I allowed myself to pause.

Listening to podcasts became my coping mechanism, a way to numb fear and avoid feeling lonely. Consuming news gave me a false sense of control. When faced with challenges, I turned to consuming more news, hoping to find answers outside of myself. Sadly, this only led to further disempowerment.

A deceptively simple practice helped me reorient: Pause and reflect.

In our fast-paced world, we forget the profound impact of taking a moment to tune into our inner selves. This practice allows us to step back from the chaos and reconnect with our wisdom.


Words hold immense power.

They carry energy that can either uplift or drain our spirit. When we consume fear-inducing news first thing in the morning, we unwittingly subject ourselves to a barrage of negative energy that limits our possibilities. It sets the tone for the entire day, leaving us feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

Instead, consider this approach:

1/ Prioritize creation:

Connect with your inner Source, ask what you need to know in the present moment, and engage in activities that nourish your spirit. Remember, your own creations are more powerful than what you consume.

2/ If you choose to read the news, set a time limit:

Protect your energy by limiting exposure. Allocate a specific time to catch up on current events, and then consciously shift your focus to activities or ideas that can help create the world you desire. Or consciously choose to watch something that’ll make you laugh or uplift your spirit.

3/ Remove social media from your phone and access it only through your desktop:

The constant stream of others' panic can easily consume us, leading to unnecessary overwhelm. By engaging with social media intentionally, you can avoid getting caught up in the hysteria.

We all have our addictions.

Mine was news, while yours might be Netflix or Wordle.

The key is to recognize the impact of our habits, consciously choose to nourish ourselves, and align with the world we desire. 

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Crisis of Self-Righteousness

We’re in a crisis of self-righteousness.

Our obsession with being right has blinded us from truly seeing,

Undermining our ability to bring meaningful change.

Having strong opinions is natural, especially when navigating complex and divisive issues.

But the insistence on being right can quickly turn toxic.

Self-righteousness harms society. It limits our perspective, makes it harder to communicate, and hinders our ability to achieve shared goals. On an individual level, this mindset is risky because we isolate ourselves from those who question our beliefs, making us feel increasingly lonely.

This leads to disconnection all around.

At the heart of this, we've lost touch with our shared humanity.

We’ve forgotten how to authentically connect with one another. Instead of seeing one another as fellow human beings, we quickly judge based solely on beliefs, we forget that we are constantly evolving and changing as individuals.

There are three spiritual principles we’ve overlooked:

1/ Growth and transformation:

Just as humans are not fixed entities, our thoughts and opinions progress over time. Giving each other space to discover, shift, and change is important.

2/ We are not our thoughts:

When we see the distinction between our thoughts and ourselves, we can detach from our beliefs and remain open to different viewpoints. When faced with disagreement, we understand it’s not a personal attack but rather a challenge to a particular set of beliefs.

3/ We are mirrors to each other:

Our interactions and relationships are reflections of ourselves. The behaviors and conflicts we experience offer insight into our own inner landscape. Instead of trying to change or control others, it’s an opportunity to transform ourselves.


Navigating this period requires conscious transformation.

It begins by recognizing our own tendencies toward self-righteousness. While it's tempting to avoid difficult conversations altogether, with heightened awareness, we can embrace discomfort and be willing to grow both within ourselves and in society as a whole.

Here are two ideas for how to get started:

1/ Genuinely seek to understand the beliefs of others, even if we hold different opinions. We create a foundation for respectful dialogue by cultivating empathy and active listening.

2/ Focus on shared values. By emphasizing shared goals, we focus on what unites us.

At the core is the understanding that we are all interconnected.

As a species, our survival depends on looking beyond our differences and uniting around a common vision.

I won't sugarcoat it – this is hard for everyone, including me.

But here’s where I’m starting - by softening my attachments and being willing to shift within myself.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan


Just reached another career milestone? 

I’ve got news for you: this isn’t just another notch on your CV. 

It's an opportunity for spiritual growth and unlocking your soul's potential.


Each new milestone invites you to expand into the next level of your being.

Regardless of the type of achievement - big promotion, doubling your revenue, speaking at TED -  it requires shedding old patterns and embodying a new way of being. This is an evolution towards a more authentic, empowered, and expanded self-expression.

Conventional wisdom says with each big jump, you should focus on:

  • Acquiring new skills

  • Developing sound habits

  • Cultivating a deep network

Here's the truth: You’re already a badass. 

You have the abilities, routines, and connections that have brought you this far. As you continue to advance, it’s less about external factors and more about surpassing the limitations of your internal state. To succeed, you must expand into the next level of your being.

Your ability to "be" drives your ability to "do".

Gandhi's words, "Be the change you want to see in the world," is not some kitschy statement. It’s a powerful blueprint for leadership. As a transformative leader, your goal is to inspire others by igniting a spark within them. You inspire them, connecting them with a vision that resonates deeply within. 

But it all starts with you. 

You’re the torchbearer, the embodiment of that vision. To achieve this, your very being must expand to match the magnitude of transformation you seek.

As within, so without. 

This is a journey of full presence.

It requires attuning to emerging frequencies, and opening to new possibilities and perspectives. It's a sacred dance of growth and expansion, tapping into your limitless potential. As you do, you infuse new vibrations into the fiber of your being, creating a new script for your DNA. In your expanded beingness, you are the vessel of transformation, a catalyst for profound change. 

So, how can you begin to expand your being?

Here are two ideas to get you started - they may sound deceptively simple, but conscious leaders throughout history have made time for such practices because they create space for transformation.

1/ Spend time in nature without any distractions or technology. Allow yourself to connect with the natural world, and be held by its rhythms. 

2/ Try a new hobby that takes you out of your comfort zone. This could be something physical, such as rock climbing, or something creative, such as painting. Embrace the discomfort and and notice how it expands your perspective and capacity for growth.

What else would you add to the list?

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Asking the Right Questions

Being a visionary leader isn’t about having all the answers,

It’s about asking the best possible questions.

And we need our leaders to be asking bigger, better questions from a higher perspective.

Quality questions stimulate thoughtful reflection, meaningful conversations, and promote powerful growth and development.

We need visionary leaders who can:
• Expose biases without attachment
• Confidently challenge assumptions without shame
• And be willing to courageously pivot when new information emerges.

Unfortunately, most of the questions we ask stem from a lower level of consciousness.

These questions are driven from:
• Fear
• Narrow thinking
• Self-preservation

These questions look like:
• How can I protect myself?
• What will others think of me?
• How can I avoid discomfort or pain?
• How can I get what I want without sacrificing anything?

These questions aren’t bad or unimportant, but they prioritize immediate concerns and short-term solutions. This limits our perspective and hinders our ability to explore deeper meanings and long-term goals, hindering our potential for growth and transformation.

To truly move the dial on global issues, we need to be accessing wisdom from higher levels of consciousness. We need to be asking more open-ended and expansive questions that explore possibilities beyond our fears and self-imposed limitations.

Questions driven from:
• Empathy
• Non-judgment
• Interconnectedness

We need more leaders who can ask questions from a higher perspective and remain open to receiving guidance. Leaders who don’t shy away from asking big questions which might take years to answer. Leaders who look at the current tectonic shifts in technology, science, psychology, and, yes, even politics, and ask how these could serve humanity and our planet.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Blockchain for the soul

Imagine a world where every word, thought, and action is recorded in a cosmic database. 

It may sound like science fiction, but the Akashic Records are very real.

Think of the Records like Blockchain for the Soul. 

A record chronicling your soul's journey across all times, places, and dimensions. The Akashic Records have been referenced in spiritual traditions for centuries. In science, the Records are known as the quantum field - the universal field connecting energy, matter, and consciousness. 

You can access the Records by meditating and shifting your state of mind. By tapping into this wisdom, you can gain knowledge beyond the physical world and explore timelines of the past, present, and future.

So, how are the Records similar to Blockchain?

Let’s break it down:

1/ Recording information: 

Blockchain is a digital ledger that records and stores transactions in a secure and transparent manner. Similarly, the Akashic Records are a comprehensive record of all events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions that have occurred in the past, present, and future. 

2/ Immutable: 

In today’s world, people find it hard to trust information. That’s where immutability comes into play. Blockchain has revolutionized how we transact, by creating a secure, tamper-proof ledger. Similarly, the Akashic Records offer a similar level of immutability, albeit on a cosmic scale. 

What makes the Records special is that they are constantly updating and refreshing. The Records aren’t just a record of the past, but a living repository that continues to evolve. They offer a complete representation of the past, present, and even potential future.  

3/ Access to information:

Everyone has the natural right to access the Akashic Records. Similarly, in Blockchain, events are publicly available, but the level of detail depends on the user's permission level. In the Akashic Records, your personal information is always accessible, but other people's private data is kept confidential. Collective information like nature, geography, and global events can be accessed by anyone. Both systems ensure privacy by limiting access to authorized users only.

4/ Decentralized: 

The Records are not limited by time or space and do not belong to any one person or organization. Likewise, blockchain is a decentralized network.


The Akashic Records and Blockchain allow us to access information that is transparent, secure, and easy to find. These platforms can transform how we experience reality.

But, accessing the Records isn't just about gaining knowledge. It's also about connecting with our higher selves and the Divine.

Imagine a world where many people access this source of wisdom and guidance.

What positive effect could it have on our collective consciousness and the world at large?

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

Why Does It need To be This Hard?

When I’m down, I often ask the Universe,

"Why does it need to be this hard?"

For those who know my journey, they know the challenges I've faced:

• Long periods of crushing isolation
• Financial instability shifting careers
• Struggle for social connection and understanding

Sometimes, the world feels terribly unfair.

I don't know why “bad things happen to good people”, but I've realized difficult moments can provide valuable opportunities for growth and transformation. These experiences have helped me:

• Shed patterns that no longer serve
• Develop capacity for who I am becoming
• Build intimacy to experience Spirit in deeper ways

Let’s break this down:

1/ Shed old patterns that no longer serve

A friend was struggling to leave his stable government job. He knew he had to leave but was fearful of what was next. One day, he dad unexpectedly passed. Within weeks, he quit his job and moved abroad. He realized life was too short to delay his dreams.

Too often, we get cozy in familiar patterns, even when we've outgrown them. Painful moments bring stunning clarity to what’s truly important. They catapult us out of stuckness, so we can move into the next stage of our lives.

2/ Develop capacity for who we are becoming

Through my work, I help leaders navigate the dark unknown with courage and compassion.

I didn’t go to school to learn how to do this. I learned these skills through direct experience - overcoming my own struggles, being with pain, spending long periods in the deserts of the unknown.

I don’t want to live these experiences again, but I am grateful for them. They’ve helped me develop unwavering courage. Because of my life experience I know longer fear, fear.

From this place of healed courage, I guide others and live into my purpose.

3/ Deepened intimacy with Divine

I once went on a three-week road trip across South Africa.

During our trip, our car overheated, got a flat, and landed in a crash. Needless to say, it was intense. The experience revealed a lot about my travel mates and their character - who could handle stress, who was comfortable with uncertainty, who was fun to be around, even when the sh*t hit the fan.

Similarly, difficult moments have deepened my relationship with Spirit and revealed the character of the Universe. Because of my challenges, my experience of Spirit is richer and more nuanced.

I speak confidently about spirituality because I know Spirit.


It’s no secret, the world is in a lot of pain.

If you're struggling through tough times, my heart goes out to you. You don't need to hide your pain, feel everything that's coming up for you.

I won't pretend to have easy answers. Finding meaning in the midst of suffering is never easy. But I do believe that, with time and patience, it's possible to emerge from difficult circumstances with greater clarity, purpose, and strength.

Hold on, keep trusting, you will find your way forward.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

How to Embrace a Spiritual Awakening

When I first experienced the supernatural, I felt like I was going insane.

My whole paradigm had shifted, and I was terrified of the uncertainty.

Worse - I had zero clarity on long this would last, or if it would end… 


If you’re going through an awakening, shifts in perception can feel daunting.

It's important to know you’re not alone. Spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery, an experience of the interconnectedness of all things. This process takes many forms, and for some people, it begins with a rapid awareness of the supernatural. 

During my own awakening, I felt like I was going crazy.

As I walked down the street, I was acutely aware of the emotions around me. I felt people’s energy as if their feelings were my own. Suddenly, the world that once seemed gray transformed into a vibrant, colorful display, like Technicolor fireworks exploding before my eyes. 

I felt like a live wire, buzzing with aliveness.

Opening to new worlds felt exciting, but also came with unexpected side effects: 

  • Deep fatigue

  • Insane, multi-level, “Inception”-like dreams

  • Extreme sensitivity to energy, noise, and emotion


If you're experiencing an awakening, it's common to feel isolated and misunderstood. 

It’s important to remember, this is a natural part of your soul’s evolutionary journey. Everyone goes through similar shifts in consciousness, even if they don't talk about it. As you become more attuned to subtle energies, you may notice your intuition growing stronger or maybe you even can anticipate events before they happen.


If you're going through an awakening, here’s how to soften into this tender period:

1/ Ground daily:

Connect with the Earth and find your center - meditation, yoga, or simply walk barefoot. By grounding yourself, you direct the energies, this helps alleviate the energetic rollercoaster and helps you feel more present.

2/ Rest and care for yourself:

Your energetic body is transforming rapidly, it takes time for your mind and body to adjust to these shifts. Don’t be shy about taking breaks or naps. You're in the process of rebirthing; care for yourself as if you were a newborn baby.

3/ Practice self-compassion:

You're being called to a new way of being. At times, the shift can feel messy and confusing. You’re unlearning old patterns and relearning how to be in the world. It’s ok to not have answers in the in-between space.

4/ Play:

Embrace the power of play and tap into the energies around you. As you walk down the street, be open to signals that come your way. Resist the urge to ignore or dismiss them, and instead approach them with curiosity and a spirit of experimentation. If you sense something, test your intuition and see if you're right. Allow yourself to gradually build trust - follow synchronicities, and let them lead you to unexpected places.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help:

  1. Looking to gain clarity on the next phase of your life or career?

    The Akashic Records are a powerful gateway to pure consciousness. Align with divine purpose, clarify key life lessons, and release patterns that no longer serve. Leave feeling clear, focused, and empowered on your journey. Book your session here.

  2. Do you want to influence global systems as a Bearer of Light?

    → Apply for private one-on-one spiritual mentorship. Unlock your supernatural abilities and learn how to embody and lead from higher consciousness. Apply for mentorship here.

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Tiffany Chan Tiffany Chan

The Great Cosmic Dialogue

Imagine a vast universe, brimming with mysteries, eagerly beckoning for a cosmic dialogue, with none other than you.

Are you listening?

The Universe constantly speaks to us.

Whispering through the beauty of nature, the wonders of science, and the cycles of life. It sends Love Notes through synchronicities, coincidences, and serendipities. It communicates through our intuition, dreams, and inner knowing.

Yes, you and the Universe are engaged in a great cosmic dialogue that transcends space and time.

By being attentive, we open ourselves to infinite possibilities and take conscious responsibility as co-creators of our reality. But in our fast-paced world, we often miss the invitation to truly engage.

Instead, we:

• Ask for signs but listen with impatience
• Focus on disappointments and miss key signals
• Perceive roadblocks as dead ends, instead of signals toward a new direction

The truth is, the Universe wants us to thrive.

It wants us to align with the highest possible outcome.

But most of the time, we’re too arrogant to listen, or too caught up in our thoughts and preconceived notions to truly hear.

We resist surrendering our bitterness, holding tightly to expectations of how things should be. Or we cling to the past, leaving our hands closed and unready to receive what's next.

For me, I've often been too stubborn, only recognizing signals when they come through burnout, sickness, or personal tragedies.

But it doesn’t need to be this way.

Here’s how can we become more attentive and engage with the Universe:

1/ Slow down:

Be here now. Take a pause and listen attentively to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. What are they telling you?

2/ Release resistance with compassion:

Embrace and acknowledge strong emotions, such as disappointment, bitterness, and pain, with kindness and understanding. By allowing yourself to fully feel and express these emotions, you can let go of their hold on you, opening yourself up to the messages the Universe has for you.

3/ Receive without prejudice:

Approach messages from the Universe openly, free from judgment or preconceived notions. Allow the messages to unfold naturally, without trying to force them into your own expectations. Remain receptive to different perspectives and possibilities that may surpass your imagination.

4/ Take action:

Once you've identified the inspired ideas, take action with intention and purpose. Be proactive, persistent, and consistent, even if they seem challenging or outside your comfort zone. Taking action signals our willingness to engage, “I’m willing to play and co-create.”

“To listen impatiently is to hear nothing at all.” - Rick Rubin

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

How do you engage with the Universe?

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