Let the Creation create you

We often think of creation as a one-way street.

Where artists wield their tools to manifest their vision.

But here’s what we often miss: 

Creation is a dynamic exchange, a dance between the creator and the created, where transformation occurs mutually.

With every brushstroke, we contribute to the artwork.

But more significantly, we embark on an inner journey of growth. Each stroke refines our technique, deepens our understanding, and broadens our perspective. This is a symbiotic relationship.

We are both the architects and the products of the creative process.

But the magic doesn't end there. 

Our creations take on lives of their own. They become mentors who offer unexpected insights and challenges, guiding us toward new dimensions of ourselves.  When we're open to learning from our creations, allowing ourselves to be shaped by them, we grow as individuals. 

By embracing this dynamic exchange, we foster personal growth and true innovation.

Here’s what I mean:

Think about the relationship between parents and children. 

Parents create children, but children catalyze changes in their parents' lives, reshaping who they are. Parents face a crucial choice: they can either impose their preconceived notions on how life should unfold, or they can embark on a journey of mutual learning and growth. It's when parents choose humility - when they open to the wisdom and insights of their children—that they truly evolve as individuals and in turn, become better parents.

Why does this matter?

As leaders, we're taught that authority and control are the cornerstones of effective leadership. But this mindset is quickly becoming outdated. True leadership lies in humility, in recognizing that growth occurs not through exerting control, but through embracing the dynamic exchange between leader and team, between creator and creation.  It comes from knowing your subordinates may have the better idea, and from instilling in them that you, as a leader, are approachable and willing to learn.

The next phase of leadership demands that we release the illusion of control and enter into a deeper sense of humility. 

As leaders, we're faced with the challenge of empowered surrender, where we recognize our strengths while remaining open to being shaped by our experiences. This approach not only allows us to grow personally but also empowers others to take on leadership roles in their own lives.

Next time you're leading a team on a major project, consider stepping back from micromanagement and embracing humility. By acknowledging your strengths and showing openness to learning from others and the project itself, you create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute and lead in their own way.

It's in this space of openness and collaboration that genuine innovation thrives.


Letting things die


Choose Your Vibration