How can I Trust my Intuition?
People often ask me, "How can I trust my intuition?"
The answer can be distilled into two simple, yet powerful steps:
1/ Manage the chorus
2/ Listen to the soloist
Let’s break this down:
Step 1: Managing the chorus
Humans are complex, multi-faceted beings.
We’re shaped by a myriad of influences. Our upbringing, familial dynamics, interactions with colleagues, and even past lives all contribute to our inner chorus. This chorus manifests as a collection of thoughts that constantly vie for our attention.
But not all voices reflect our true essence.
They originate from an external source, like societal expectations or a well-meaning loved one. These voices once served as a form of protection. But as we evolve, we outgrow their influence and we must decide how we want to engage.
Here’s an example.
My friend Alex grew up in a family that valued traditional career paths. Despite a deep longing for artistry, Alex internalized the voices of his family, and he disconnected from his true passion. Over time, Alex began to question these inherited beliefs. He realized the chorus of voices didn’t accurately reflect his authentic desires.
A big part of trusting intuition is recognizing when our thoughts run wild and giving ourselves space to decide how we want to respond.
We can begin by asking ourselves simple questions:
• Whose voice is that?
• What is it trying to protect?
• Is this voice still helpful to me?
We've all gone against intuition, it doesn’t feel great, it’s like we've betrayed ourselves. Taking time to reflect empowers us to align with our inner wisdom, and this brings us to the next step.
Step 2: Listening to the Soloist
Within the chorus, there’s a voice that stands out - our True Self.
This voice speaks gently, leading us toward our greatest potential. It's like a star soloist, captivating us with its wisdom and bravery. Trusting our intuition means attuning to the soloist and actively listening through our emotions and sensations. By doing so, we cultivate our own special language, a personal way of understanding our soul’s guidance.
Now, let's make this practical:
Imagine you're deciding whether to leave your job.
First, gather information and analyze the options using your mind. Next, breathe deeply, and tune into your body. When you think about leaving your job, how does it feel? Do you sense expansion or contraction? Notice your emotions. Are they in resonance or dissonance? Feel your heart. Does it fill you with excitement or a lackluster feeling?
Your intuition will always point you toward joy and fulfillment.
Honoring your intuition means embracing the wisdom of your soul. It’s important to remember, following inner guidance may result in short-term discomfort, growth always means moving through challenges.
But over time, that internal feeling of expansiveness is how you will live your life.