Asking the Right Questions

Being a visionary leader isn’t about having all the answers,

It’s about asking the best possible questions.

And we need our leaders to be asking bigger, better questions from a higher perspective.

Quality questions stimulate thoughtful reflection, meaningful conversations, and promote powerful growth and development.

We need visionary leaders who can:
• Expose biases without attachment
• Confidently challenge assumptions without shame
• And be willing to courageously pivot when new information emerges.

Unfortunately, most of the questions we ask stem from a lower level of consciousness.

These questions are driven from:
• Fear
• Narrow thinking
• Self-preservation

These questions look like:
• How can I protect myself?
• What will others think of me?
• How can I avoid discomfort or pain?
• How can I get what I want without sacrificing anything?

These questions aren’t bad or unimportant, but they prioritize immediate concerns and short-term solutions. This limits our perspective and hinders our ability to explore deeper meanings and long-term goals, hindering our potential for growth and transformation.

To truly move the dial on global issues, we need to be accessing wisdom from higher levels of consciousness. We need to be asking more open-ended and expansive questions that explore possibilities beyond our fears and self-imposed limitations.

Questions driven from:
• Empathy
• Non-judgment
• Interconnectedness

We need more leaders who can ask questions from a higher perspective and remain open to receiving guidance. Leaders who don’t shy away from asking big questions which might take years to answer. Leaders who look at the current tectonic shifts in technology, science, psychology, and, yes, even politics, and ask how these could serve humanity and our planet.




Blockchain for the soul