How to Connect In Polarizing Times
A few years ago, I was celebrating my birthday at a restaurant with friends.
Midway through our meal, I noticed a gentleman sitting next to us, eating alone. He seemed tired, clearly having had a long day.
I kept glancing over at him, feeling a strong urge to connect, but keenly aware of the social dos and don’ts of talking with strangers.
Finally, I turned to him and asked, "Hey there, would you like to join us?"
He smiled, a bit weary but grateful. "I just came off a long flight. It’s nice to connect with folks."
Curious, I asked why he was in town.
"Oh, my band has a gig."
"Where are you playing?” I asked, “Some local joint?", expecting a modest answer.
"Capital One Arena. Maybe you've heard of us?…. The Red Hot Chili Peppers."
Jaw drop.
Stunned silence turned to laughter :)
Whenever I think of this story, it reminds me of the power of human connection.
Especially today, when everything feels polarized, it's important to return to the basics of connecting with one another.
1. Trust the Nudge
Spirit speaks to us in whispers. When you feel an urge to connect, even if it seems unusual or socially awkward, act on it. The outcome may be far greater than you expect.
2. Extend Connection
We often think we’re moving through the world alone, but every small gesture bridges the gaps between us.
Share the smile, hold the door, pause to listen.
It matters.
3. Be Willing to Receive Connection
We suffer alone, but we heal in community.
If you’re alone and someone extends a branch, reach out and grab it.
Connection, receptivity, love.
“Hey, are you guys doing anything tonight? Wanna come see us play?”
Here’s a pic from that night :)