Rethinking Our Dominant Currency

Every city has its own currency.

And no, I’m not talking about money.

I’m talking about what its citizens and leaders prioritize and strive for -

The values that shape the culture and behavior of its people. This core currency influences what is celebrated, pursued, and replicated by its citizens.

Here are some examples:

• Dubai: Luxury  

• Tokyo: Precision  

• Zurich: Discretion  

• Shanghai: Growth  

• Los Angeles: Fame  

• New York City: Money  

• Washington, D.C.: Power  

But what if we could choose differently?

What if the dominant currency wasn't money, fame, or power, but something more profound?

Here are some ideas:

1/ Love

What if we measured success by how often we opened our hearts to others?

2/ Courage

What if we honored those who embrace vulnerability and authenticity?

3/ Resilience

What if we celebrated the ability to rise again and again, no matter the setbacks?

4/ Alignment

What if we recognized those who consistently live by their deepest values and purpose?


**Currency is not fixed; it is a choice.** 

Society's dominant traits are shaped by its citizens.

When we consciously choose and nurture different currencies, we create communities that celebrate love, courage, resilience, and alignment over conventional metrics.

Dare to choose differently.


I’d love to hear from you: 

What do you want your city’s true currency to be?


Listening In The Liminal Space


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