Is this life giving?
Every day, I assess my activities and ask myself two key questions:
1/ Is this giving me life?
2/ Is this taking it away?
As humans, we have an immense capacity to tolerate.
This capacity is key to our survival.
But as humans, we’re here to not just tolerate and survive.
We are creative actors, here to experience life and to thrive.
Many of us confuse tolerations as the “default setting” in life.
We needlessly tolerate BS because of:
• Fear
• Laziness
• Comfort with the status quo
Here’s what we forget:
** Tolerations add up **
They have a cumulative, compounding effect.
They also extremely costly, impacting our:
• Sanity
• Health
• Peace of mind
Here’s what most people miss:
Tolerations impact on our sense of personal integrity.
When we knowingly tolerate behavior out of alignment with our highest good, we feel like we’re betraying ourselves.
Because we are.
We trade our Life Force for momentary comfort.
When we feel depleted, it's a cue to:
• Step back
• Evaluate what we're tolerating
• And start making some changes
Ready to begin?
Start here:
1/ Go through a typical day and list out all your activities.
Ask yourself:
• Is this activity, relationship, or situation adding value to my life, filling me with joy and fulfillment?
• Or is it draining my energy and leaving me feeling depleted?
2/ If it’s draining, ask yourself:
“What’s one small but powerful step I can do to shift the energy?”
3/ Start with the smallest tolerations, take action.
Then move on to larger tolerations.
• Frayed wire that only works half the time?
--> Recycle it. Get a new one.
• That neighbor that gabs just a bit too long?
--> Have a kind and honest chat. Establish boundaries.
• That job that is sucking the life out of you?
--> Chat with a financial advisor, start exploring options.
Your energetic well-being is paramount to your success.
Act as if your life depends on it.
Because it does.