Perspective matters

When the sh*t hits the fan,

Here’s a question that can change your life:

“What’s happening *for* me?”

When everything feels like it’s falling apart, it can be easy to narrow and contract.

Here’s the truth: 

There is always a silver lining to every storm, even in the most challenging circumstance. 

Here’s where most people fall short:

They get caught in the swirl of victimhood.

They believe they are at the mercy of the world.

But here’s the deal:

This perspective robs us of the richness of the experience.

It clouds us from the lessons we are here to learn,

And it prevents us from receiving the best the experience has to offer. 

By asking the question, “What is happening for me?”,

We open to a new way of thinking and signal a willingness to a new way of being.

When life gets tough, it’s often an invitation to make some changes. 

These experiences are in service to your growth and evolution,

They’re designed to align you with your inner truth and highest purpose.

They’re an opportunity to reevaluate and make changes that can lead to deeper fulfillment.

By asking “What’s happening for me?” - we reframe our perspective.

How you choose to see the world is entirely up to you. 

If you are willing to see things differently, you experience life differently.

It begins with a mindset: Shifting from victimhood to empowerment.

Perspective matters.


Familial Expectations


Thoughts become Things