Anger is just energy

Many of my clients long for spiritual intimacy; but often, their repressed anger holds them back. 

I tell them all the same thing: 

Anger is simply energy.

Emotions are energy in motion. And anger, is simply a call to action, an invitation to listen and understand our inner selves. By embracing anger, we tap into emotion to help drive change.

People often want a strong spiritual connection, but frequently get stuck when things go “badly” - harboring resentment towards the Divine or their life experiences. They suppress their anger because they assume spirituality is always living in a state of bliss. 

But here’s what people miss: 

Spirituality is about being authentic in our relationship with the Divine. 

It’s not about ignoring our emotions, but being honest. 

The truth is, repressed emotion creates a false distance from the Divine. Embracing the full range of emotions invites intimacy with our whole human experience. And in turn, it creates space for healing and a deeper connection. 

Ready to embrace the full range of human emotion?

Start here:
Write a raw and unfiltered letter to Spirit. Pour out all your anger, frustration, and pain. If you need to, let your body express your emotions - throw those balled-up socks at the wall, stomp your feet, and move the energy.

Once you've expressed everything. Pause.

Now write a letter from Spirit back to you. 

What would Spirit say? How would Spirit respond to your pain?

By being brave enough to be with and express our emotions, we cultivate a deep and authentic connection with the Divine. 

This connection paves the way for healing and growth. This is true spirituality.


Spirituality in the workplace


Leading from love